All You Need To Know About Allergies FAQs And Tips Expert

What is an allergy?
• An allergy is defined as an extreme sensitivity to a specific substance, also known as allergic type hypersensitivity.

• The allergens inside buildings or homes play a crucial role in allergic diseases such as asthma and perennial allergic rhinitis. The majority of people in the modern world spend more than 20 hours a day inside buildings or homes.

• The foreign allergens (pollens) play a crucial role in seasonal allergy symptoms.

• People are exposed to allergens via inhalation, ingestion, skin contact and injection.

• Viral infections of the upper airways can aggravate allergies.

What are the most common allergic disease?
The most common allergic diseases are:
Allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, asthma, food allergy, drug allergy, urticaria and allergic conjunctivitis.

What is an allergen?
Allergens are substances that are common, usually harmless, such as pollen, mold spores, animal dander (dead skin flakes and saliva), dust, foods, drugs and insect venom.
The allergens cause symptoms in patients who have previously been sensitized as sneezing, wheezing, coughing and other symptoms in people who have allergies.

What causes allergies?
People with allergies are born so, like some people have brown hair or blue eyes.However, when you are close to these allergens, the body may react in different ways.

How can I control my allergies?
To control allergies requires three things:

Knowing what you are allergic. Your allergist / immunologist can help determine.
Taking medication if you need. Your doctor will work with you to decide which medication is necessary,if you need one.
Limiting the amount of allergens around you. Very simple actions, such as dusting, vacuuming and cleaning the kitchen, will help you get rid of allergens.

Where do I start?
Start with the bedroom. In them is where you and your children spend most of the time. To continue through the kitchen. Then move to the living room and other parts of the house where we spent a lot of time.
Although it may seem a lot of work, can reduce allergens weekly to improve your symptoms.
The whole family should help, especially if you have children with allergies. Explain them why cleaning and prevent buildup of allergens will make them feel better.

What I can do at home to reduce allergens?
The mites are tiny arachnids that live in almost every house. They are so small they can not be seen with the naked eye. Mites are a common cause of allergic diseases.
To reduce dust mites and allergy in your home: Avoid overloading the rooms of furniture and other objects. There are things they collect a lot of dust, such as stuffed animals, the shelves of books, ornaments and collectible objects. Let the kids keep a few in their bedrooms, but keep the rest in a closet to avoid dusting.

• Target the mattresses, box springs and pillows in special plastic bags that are allergy-proof or "non-allergenic." Your doctor or nurse can tell you where to buy them.
• Wash sheets, blankets or quilts and pillowcases in water (55 ยบ C or more) each week.
• Use a dehumidifier to keep your home dry.
• The dust also settles on carpets. If possible, remove carpeting and replace with washable rugs or better yet ceramic floor.

Fungi are found in the air and cause allergic reactions. They like moist surfaces usually appear in places like bathrooms and under the sink. To reduce the fungi that are in his house:
• Fix water leaks that can create moisture enabling growth fungi.
• Clean moldy surfaces, such as the corners of showers or under the sink.
• Use a dehumidifier to keep your home dry.
• Avoid the use of carpets in bathrooms and basements and remove any moldy carpet.

Cats, dogs and other pets with fur or feathers can cause allergy symptoms, In some people but not all the people react under the same conditions.
• Do not allow pets to the bedroom, and keep doors closed bedrooms.
• Target the mattresses and pillows in plastic anti-allergic.
• Make sure pets stay in an area for them in the house.
• Wash your hands after handling pets.

Cockroach's droppings are one of the major triggers of asthma especially in humid areas and neighborhoods of urban centers. To control cockroaches:
• Vacuum or sweep the floor after meals, and remove trash often.
• Store food in Airtight containers.
• Wash dishes immediately after use, and clean the dining room and kitchen after meals.
• Use building materials patching to cover the areas where the
cockroaches could enter the house, especially the small gaps, like cracks in the
wall, or floor windows, basement doors and drainage pipes.
• A Cockroaches like moist areas. Fix and seal faucets and leaking pipes.

Besides allergens, there are other substances known as irritants. People are not allergic to irritants, but they can worsen allergy symptoms. They are substances such as smoke and strong odors. Snuff smoke is an irritant especially damaging. Can cause serious problems for people with allergies and asthma.

• If you or your children have allergies or asthma, do not let anyone smoke in your home.
• Avoid snuff smoke in public and do not allow smoking in your car.

Allergies and asthma are serious afflictions. However, in collaboration with your doctor, you can develop a plan to avoid allergens and irritants, to contribute to their health and of your family.
Your doctor can answer other questions you may have about how to reduce allergic reactions.


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