Bad Diet Is The Real Cause of Illness


Improving The Diet

The bad diet is a major cause of the disease, a report of 700 pages of the Management General of surgeons in the USA in 1979, which cited more than 2,000 scientific studies from around the world, was compiled by more than 200 doctors, nutritionists and biochemists, coming to the conclusion that the normal American diet is dangerous.

Of the 2  million Americans that died in the past year, the report said that 1.5 million for causes associated with the diet.

The report showed that the majority of the people should reduce the consumption of fat, especially saturated fat, such as eggs,butter and red meat.

How to reduce high cholesterol
The report suggested more vegetables and fruits, more whole grains and cereals. The report recommended the dried beans and peas that can be used as a source of protein to replace some animal products.

The report says that the diet with fat increases the risk of obesity, some cancer types, stones in the gallbladder and heart problems.

Also said that excessive levels of cholesterol are strongly associated with heart attacks, and must reduce them by limiting the consumption of foods of animal origin, such as eggs, dairy products, meat, poultry and fish.

Our food now are killing us little by little.More than 4,000 heart attacks occur every day in the United States. Every every 50 seconds  be discovers a new diabetic.

Half of Americans for more than 40 years, have high blood pressure. These diseases are not found in 75% of the inhabitants of the world. Why is that? Because Americans like to eat, eat too much; eat undue food such as meat, milk, eggs, sugar, processed foods and refined.

Good healthy food
You are what you eat.  The natural foods unadulterated as come from the nature mother, are the foods that give energy, health and life. From another part of the refined products bring fatigue, illness and death. Although the man has been treated, how we can improve the natural food that nature given to us?

What should they eat daily?
Simply this: while more natural  ¡ best !," whole wheat flour instead of white flour; brown rice instead of white rice;fresh peaches instead of packaged or canned; beans and walnuts instead of meat; dried figs instead of chocolate bars, and so on.


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