The Benefits of Running Achieving Results In Two Weeks


 Running And Its Benefits


Running is an activity that has many benefits. That's why so many people can be seen in practicing this activity in parks and areas suitable for this purpose. Exercise relaxes oxygenates and purifies.

The race influences all the body functions, run ten kilometers weekly decreases cardiac risk by twenty percent, joints working optimally running with this exercise. It is important that its functioning be correct otherwise it can be harmful.

Benefits Of Running In The Morning
It has been proven mental performance optimization after exercise.

This is explained by the release of endorphins that produce feelings of pleasure and well-being .In general is making in the last hours of the day however should not stop thinking about the option of running in the morning.
The sum of hours without exposure to sunlight converts one hour morning in excellent option about  temperature to get the benefits of running better level of performance.

But besides the sunrise or the early hours of the morning have lower pollution levels. This is something to keep in mind if you think that running is done in a deep breath, so that the air cleaner gives more beneficial result.

On the other side stand after, you counted the necessary energy reserves, ie at its peak because the muscles are ready after the break to respond to intense activity level. This activity will encourage the circulation in organs and tissues, veins and arteries are increased blood flow.

As a result decrease the risk of kidney failure. In the sweat toxins are eliminated by electrolytes maintaining the necessary balance.

Health Benefits Of Running
If you run in an intense way, ie at a significant pace, increasing your production of hormones and muscle development is favored because it would increase the amount of blood vessels and stimulates the muscle cells to burn fat through the synthesis of proteins and production of mitochondria.

You should reconsider the possibility of this practice if your doctor has recommended, if your job is very sedentary and spends many hours immobile, if depressed, bored or feel you have no energy, if you drink too much or smoke excessively.

Also if you are overweight. Probably the first days requires willpower, but the second week it will no longer require an effort and begin to report profits. Remember that running 90 minutes per week, or 30 minutes, three times a week you will lose 1300 calories.

Some tips sidewalk physical exercise such

* The stretches are essential

* You need to work regularly

* Start slow. Walk at your own pace. Adapt the training to your  needs

* Rest is the most important part of training.

* The long run, slow and continuous is the essence of the training

* The sets and repets are fundamental to improve power


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