Knowing More About Better Sleep

Nearly 100 million North North Americans occasionally suffer from insomnia; and another 20 million complain of chronic problems sleeping. Seven or eight times more women than men complain of sleep difficulties.

North Americans consume about 600 tons of sleeping pills a year.

The side effects of sleep medications are too numerous to mention, but a few examples are: depression, rash of the skin, poor coordination, digestive problems, breathing difficulties, etc.

To the people who sleep well, it is difficult to understand insomnia to people who sleep well, they will lie, close their eyes and sleep.

The experience of people with insomnia is decidedly different. They are lie down, close their eyes only to start a fight night to get enough sleep to function the next day. The emotions and anxiety are the big enemies of the dream and the most common causes of insomnia.

The despair by a good night's sleep leads to  people with sleepless to take sleeping pills.The threat to the good health that is enclosed in a provocative sleep drug apparently is not considered.

The toxic reaction is immediate and  side effects can occur with a single tablet so that if you increase the dose to two tablets eventually may require 3 or 4 tablets to sleep deeply during the nig
In the meantime, instead of a day of complete well-being and to stay awake, the sleepless drugged passes with bleary eyed and exhausted in the work. Even their emotional reactions have been changed. It is difficult to keep good enthusiasm in the life. His wife alters the nerves and the children also are a burden.

Better Sleep Is Essential
The rest is one of the most essential healers known to the humanity. When you are sick, What is the first thing you do?.. You will lie down on your bed the greater part of the day as well as the entire night until you recover, because the power restorer of the rest is the key to your health.Each capacity body requires rest after an effort. Even your body- rests after each heartbeat.

You relax at the end of each breath. Your muscles require relaxation after each contraction. During the hours of sleep the body recharging  itself. Our bodies are very similar to a battery; are discharged during the day and need to be charged during the night. People more vital that I know is very consistent with your rest.

Mission Of The Dream
One of the objectives of the dream is the repair of the damages and losses caused by the job. When we are awake, we eat and at the same time we work: that is to say,we eat like we restore our energy storage. But the food that we consume is not available as energy until it has comes to be part of the living cell.

The food in the stomach, in the blood and body fluids is not added to our store of energy until it gets  to be part of the body after digested, should be asimilated; this work is carried out mainly during sleep.This is the reason of need sleep.
When the cell is fully relaxed, it is in 76%  completely filled with tiny particles of energy. A cell tired shows a great reduction in the number of energetic particles.


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