Fruit Juices Benefits In Our Health Part 1


Fruit Juices

The juices are a source of natural health that we should not discard. Are authentic remedies for some problems that concern us.By its high intake of vitamins, fighting for example, excess of weight, the allergy, the lack of sexual desire and other problems that affect our daily lives.

We must bear in mind that its presence in the daily diet is a vital complement to fill certain gaps in our eating habits.

Juices and nectars are at our disposal in the market to make us more easy its consumption and thus help to improve our health.There are  of all the flavors and all the colors. What is clear, regardless of the flavor of the chosen fruit, is that  take juice daily is a healthy idea.

As an example, know that a medium orange or a glass of juice cover virtually 100% of the recommendations of vitamin C, which are 60 milligrams for an adult.

At the time to moisturize  our body we have a wide range of drinks in addition to the water itself. Most of them respond to the first need of our organism: to compensate for the loss of water. However from the nutritional point of view the differences between some and others are very remarkable.

We have a nutritious drink, that in addition to quench our thirst contribute to nourish our body by variable content in energy and certain nutrients.
This is the case with the juices of fruits that provide energy in the form of sugars from the fruit,fructose mainly, vitamins,vitamin C and carotenes mostly, salts and minerals, potassium and phosphorus.

In the European Union, a directive defines the fruit juice as the juice obtained from the fruit by mechanical processes, fermentable but without  ferment, which has the characteristics of color and flavor of the fruit from which it comes. The definition has been expanded to include a product obtained from a concentrate that  must possess the sensorial characteristics and analytical equivalent to the juice obtained directly from the fruit.

Classes of juices
Are fresh juices that have been stabilized by physical treatments authorized to guarantee their conservation.These differ from the juices preserved since those last have been incorporated  some preservatives authorized. Another denomination are sugary juices which contain sweetener remain the most common sugar or common sucrose.

If these  have incorporated carbon dioxide gas are called sparkling juices. Sometimes confuses the term juice with nectar, being the nutritional differences
between the two products quite remarkable. Fruit nectar is the product obtained from fruit crushed,made pure which has added water, sugar and fruit acids, by what they contribute more calories. The addiction of sugars to  this drink has to be taken into account especially for people with diabetes and for those who must control their weight.

In the next article we will continue with this interesting topic. (Part 2)


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