Beneficial Apple Properties For Health


Apple Fruit Benefits


The apple is a pome fruit which has a high degree of nutritional properties derived from its high content in vitamins and minerals. The approximate weight can typically between 100 and 300 grams and in it we can find many types of minerals such as phosphorus and potassium, in addition to the iron and magnesium.

For those that do not know, it is called pome fruit to those fruits that have a thick skin cover  and inside which we can find 5 seeds. It is one of the most common fruits in all the world and there are more than 100 varieties of apples in the entire world, as one of the characteristics of the tree is that it grows and holds up well all kinds of temperatures.

In total, an apple is composed for about 52 kalorias of energy and 0 grams of cholesterol, all of this, in a state of optimum ripeness. In turn, has a great quantity of vitamins between which  should be noted the vitamins A, D, C and B6. And also amino acids and antioxidants such as polyphenols and quercetin, which is necessary for our body to combat allergies effectively.

Among the health benefits of apples highlighted the improvement of the blood supply, which aid in the prevention of several types of diseases in addition to reducing the risk of inflammations of the digestive system and strokes. In turn, the apples help to reduce fever and colds and are diuretic and depurative, generating an important reduction in fluid retention.

The apple is a complete food that, without a doubt, it should be part of any type of balanced diet, is not to be missed.

There are more than a thousand varieties but you have only half a dozen of them in the market: Delight, russet, Granny Smith, Golden, Starking and Gala.

Can we find the majority of them in the market from September until June, except the Golden Supreme that is available from August to November or Golden Delicious is located practically the entire year.

Edible portion
84 grams per 100 grams of fresh product.Source of nutrients and fiber nutritive substances, organic acids and flavonoids.

Also contain  a type of flavonoids that are found exclusively in the apples and their derivatives. This flavonoids are located mainly in the skin of this fruit, but also in the pulp; although the concentration of these substances depends on the variety of apple that is concerned. In terms of the biological effects of phloretin. In its composition presented organic acids such as caffeic, p-coumaric, chlorogenic, ferulic, citric and malic acid.


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