How To Fight Human Papillomavirus Naturally


Human Papillomavirus Infection (HPV)

There is valuable information that people need to know in order to eliminate the virus from the body and stop being afraid or terror to know that they are infected. The truth is that you can kill and removed from the body without the need of surgery such as cone biopsy(conization), or treatments for years with antiviral drugs.

Treatment for Human Papillomavirus (hpv)
It must be borne in mind that the viral diseases such as human papilloma virus, herpes, hepatitis, zoster, can not be treated with antibiotics since they are not penetrates and all of them go through a cycle where are auto limited and the only thing that can fight them is the immune system strong and robust.

The first thing is to know that the viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer are born, grow, reproduce and thrive in an without oxygen environment and is called anaerobic environment or with little oxygen called hypoxia.

An without oxygenen environment is an acidic environment where the moisture, mucus and phlegm are developed and can obstruct and stagnate our blood, lymph,fluids, etc.

Our blood and tissues become acids and full of moisture, when we consume animal protein, fried food, dairy, alcohol, refined sugars and flours, which promote the formation of lactic acid, uric acid, urea, ammonia and creatine.

Cure for hpv
If you want to kill and eliminate the virus is to put the blood ALKALINE. And one way to do this is with the chlorophyll, the blood of plants. The chlorophyll oxygenated, detoxifies disinfects, reduces inflammation, deodorizes, cleans,nourishes, removes toxins, dissolves tumors, and all that they do in the blood, in addition repairs and regenerates cellular DNA. It is antiviral, antibacterial and anti-cancer.

All the plants and fruits of nature contain substances with antiviral power, and are called antioxidants, polyphenols, catechins,beta carotenes,quercetin,bioflavonoids,lycopene,proanthocyanidin, zeaxanthin.

Foods with plenty antiviral power: Green Tea , curcuma longa, ginger, garlic, onion, green onion, broccoli, asparagus, carrots, beets, squash, pumpkin, zucchini, tomato, soybean, parsley, Omega 3 fats, citrus fruits, grapefruit, orange, grapefruit, lemon, red fruits, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, cranberry,passion fruit( granadilla).

There is a Chinese plant very powerful call pentafyllum JIAGULAN gynostemma, which kills and removes the papilloma virus rapidly between 1 and 6 months, it is called the miracle herb since it was used to cure the cancer in Japan for 3,000 years.

There is a fungus powerful cordyceps Sinensiswith with high antiviral  power that is called the fungus of gold to strengthen the immune system. Like other fungi as the shitake, maitake, reishi, cremini and enoki.

Marine Algae also have antiviral high power, because they are rich in chlorophyll of sea as spirulina, the most nutritious of all the algae in the world.


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