Natural Diet Foods For Diabetes-1


Diabetes And Diet - Part 1

The proper foods for diabetes aims to normalize the levels of blood sugar and achieve a normal weight according to age, sex and height.When a person suffers from obesity, losing weight is essential to reach a normal weight, since the overweight is closely linked with diabetes.

The diet, exercise and regulate insulin levels are the essential pillars in the natural method against diabetes.


Foods You Should Eat and Avoid
You have to bring a level diet where coexist the proteins, carbohydrates and fats in its fair proportions.

Thus it is important that you learn how to eat to control diabetes and not feel that you are doing a diet that is danger of leaving after a time.

Foods you should eat for diabetes

1. Avoid Simple Sugars
It is important to reduce the consumption of foods that provide simple sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides ) .

They are present in sweets, cakes, puddings , smoked bacon , sugar and products made with the same sugar. Opt for foods that will provide complex sugars (polysaccharides ) as flour, cereals , potatoes,legumes, rice, etc.

2. Avoid Eating bread and potatoes

Bread and potatoes contain high glycemic index, sugar in these foods is absorbed more quickly than foods like nuts and legumes. Besides it is also necessary to avoid alcohol since it raises the levels of blood sugar.

3. No Eat foods high in Saturated Fat
Avoid eating foods high in saturated fats. Ideally is replace them with food or poly unsaturated fats.
Always prefer high Fiber-rich foods as these help to reduce the level  sugar blood. You can consume such vegetables and breads that contain bran.

4. Prefer the Whole Grains
Eat cereals, wheat, rice, oats, rye, corn, etc, and foods made with derivatives such as breads and cookies . These foods provide carbohydrates and are rich in fiber. Consume daily vegetable oil preferably extra virgin olive oil. When cooking do not use lard,margarine ,butter and palm oils.


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