Knowing More About Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Inflamatory Bowel Disease

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Irritable Bowel is a disease or pathology most common and dangerous modern suffered by large part of  young adult population and mature, and not to be observed, monitored and treated can degenerate into serious losses of health and aggressive terminal illnesses such as cancer of the colon leading to a number of limitations and sufferings, ranging from surgical removal of part or all of the large intestine, using highly annoying to defecate devices such as colostomy, radiation therapy or chemotherapy to try to halt the progression of the disease, which in many cases does not remove all the cancerous cells which may appear at any time multiplied leading to a terminal and finally metastases painful death, early and securely.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Irritable Bowel usually occurs by eating foods low in fiber, high consumption of flour, saturated fats, alcohol and cigarettes and influenced by psychological factors.

The reason for this is that the feces are the digestion waste material accumulates in the terminal part of the large intestine or rectum, making it a very suitable for the development of cancer.

Therefore it is important to reduce the accumulation time, adopting a proper diet rich in fiber that facilitate intestinal transit as a first measure to prevent the emergence and development of this dreaded disease.

Among the most common symptoms that identify irritable bowel syndrome are:

  *  Abdominal discomfort or pain.
  *  Diarrhea.
  *  Chronic constipation.
  *  Back pain.
  *  Abnormal stool evacuation.
  *  Generañ malaise.

Other factors that trigger this problem and increase the symptoms are: anxiety, depression and stress.

Among the related pathologies that can appear due to an irritable or inflamed colon are the following:

    * Colitis.
    * Gastritis.
    * Headache.
    * Painful menstrual periods in women.
    * Anxiety.
    * Insomnia.
    * Lack of sexual desire.

Iritable bowel syndrome and healthy colon
Medically speaking a healthy colon should report at least one bowel movement, everyday at least one evacuation and perfect colon should do whenever you get a full meal as occurs with newborn children or children between one to three years old.

Unfortunately this scenario is not common in most young adults, mature and older who can go days without having a normal bowel evacuation, so the colon undergoes a change that leads to intense abdominal pain present having stool constipation compressed that needs output and can search other outputs outside the anus, as in the case of painful diverticular disease or diverticulitis.

Another case is when instead of having pain or cramps the effect produced is frequent diarrhea, and heartburn, for which many patients seek help and temporary relief antidiarrheal and antacid drugs. This does not include the combined use of laxatives to treat constipation that these drugs make many patients still can not cure irritable bowel syndrome.

But we can see what the real effect of laxatives, antidiarrheals, and antacids:
The wide variety of laxatives that are for sale on the market while producing efficient evacuation, sweep with the body's natural intestinal flora, promoting new periods of constipation. Furthermore, not being natural products, usually produce painful evacuations followed by cramping.

The antidiarrheal osupplied to the symptom contrary, can produce dangerous intestinal blockages, which in extreme situations come to be the only solution performing a risky surgery.

Antacids, prescribed to combat heartburn, another common symptom of IBS, or IBS. These drugs can cause liver damage Important. Also, if given for prolonged periods, can cause the stomach paradoxically produce even more acid.

Additionally many people who use drugs to treat colon and its symptoms do not change your lifestyle consisting of a healthy diet that includes foods with high fiber and avoiding nervous system stimulants such as caffeine, while consuming large amounts compounding drugs aggravating side chronic symptoms  and degenerating pathologies related because the body obliged to present a performance of "normal" by  effect of drugs generates negative responses that may have an impact on other organs which further complicate the state clinical patient.

Within the normal diet of food and  stimulants  that consuming patients  suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome include:

snuff, coffee, spices, alcohol, tonic, envelopes soups, cocoa, whole milk and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, pastries, cakes, ice cream, butter.

They can also generate the same effect certain foods such as vegetables, legumes and liliácedas. Among them are: the cabbage, chickpeas, lentils, onions, leeks, peas, nuts and meats or foods that contain preservatives.

This is coupled with the poor physical condition also prevails in many people, especially in mature and older adults who practice sedentary lifestyle while in their working day are under great physical and emotional stress.

In short there is no way to finish and cure this disease without first attack risk factors are those that generate trigger symptoms and organic disorder. And it should be:

Identify foods that cause constipation  for proper intestinal transit.Use natural remedies that avoid collateral consequences for the organism because while relieving the symptoms of inflammatory bowel attack the causes that produce it.

Facing daily problems and challenges in a new way without generating a physical and emotional trigger that stimulates and accretive the irritable bowel.Perform simple breathing practices appropriate to decrease the abdominal and lumbar pain that produces an inflamed colon.

Highly recommended read the special natural medicine guide by renowned expert nutritionist and researcher in Alternative Therapies Jack Palmer with significant worldwide results in cases of irritable bowel syndrome or irritable bowel.

This guide provides the following progress in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome:

Within the first two weeks: the patient will begin to notice physical changes. Begin to feel more energetic and active.Within the first thirty days: the patient will notice that your intestinal discomfort crisis will increasingly slowing and severity of symptoms also decrease.

Within the first sixty days:Patient will see again your body functions normally and will not have problems with the food that eats, if they are beneficial to the body and the body and begin to enjoy life again FULL!

Within the immediate benefits that brings this guide to the patient's health are the following:
* Will stop having painful bowel movements.

* You can stop taking these drugs who report more problems than solutions.

* Cease to experience serious discomfort and will stop it and you can enjoy your social life normally.

* You will have the ability to perform daily activities without fear of such emergencies why you need to have a bath as close as possible.

* Progressively improve their quality of life and end up with a bad mood that you have because of the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.


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