4 Strength Training Workout Myths


Strength Training  For Women

Despite of the well recognized strength training benefits, there are many myths about it, that are not true. Then I expose some of the most popular errors along with the scientific facts.

Strength training workout and myths

Myth 1: Training force causes women to acquire too much corpulence.

Some women avoid train force by fear to seem too masculine. On the contrary, the strength training will strengthen their femininity, with the improvement of the tone and the definition of their muscles, creating a look stronger and better formed.

Obviously you can produce an increase in muscle mass, but you never reach the volume of the men. This is due to the fact that men have on their body 10 times more the hormone muscle builder,testosterone. Therefore, women are genetically programd not to acquire the muscle mass of men.

Myth 2:To Stoping the training, the muscle will become fat

It is impossible that the muscle becomes fat because it is a type of completely different tissue. The mass and muscle strength decrease gradually if left to train, and the storage of fat will increase if you eat more calories than the body needs for an extended period.

Once you have obtained a certain amount of muscle mass, through regular training of force, it can be stored with a less frequent training, once or twice a week.

Myth 3: The strength training will make the muscles become more rigid and decrease the flexibility

The increase in muscle mass does not determine that the muscles become stiff, reducing the flexibility or decrease the speed in the sports activities.

On the contrary, if they are trained correctly - performing each exercise in a strict manner, through a full range of mobility that proportions to the muscles and joints a complete stretching- can be maintained, and even improve the flexibility.

Strength workout for women
The muscle range can decrease when we are lifting a heavy load, in this case obviously we are producing a muscle shortening that can produce rigidity. But even so we can compensate for this with a good series of complete stretching between series and at the end of the session.

The continued use of large loads, with partial repetitions and carrying out exercises with a generally incomplete muscle range will result in the reduction of the flexibility.

It has been shown that a strong muscle can contract more quickly and generate more power than another weak. In effect, the bodies of the elite sprinters are very muscular, which is a good example of why the increase in muscle mass will not interfere with their speed or flexibility.

Myth 4:The strength training women damage joints

When performed properly and safe, the strength training improves the ligaments resistance that hold the  joints united, which makes them more stable and less prone to injury. The movements of impact, such as running and jumping, can impose stress on ligaments and make the joints more prone to injury.

However, controlled motion and without impact to be used for strength training places less stress on the joints than many other forms of exercise, therefore it is a good way to strengthen them.


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