Best Condition For Our Memory


To Keep Good Memory

• The best known method to keep young memory is by exercising daily.
• The mental gymnastics may include numerical exercises, mind games,crosswords, text memorization, etc.

Any gym that makes us exercise the brain is good to enhance memory.

• Drug use also affects brain function, smoking decreases the amount of oxygen that the brain receives and alcohol affects the health of neurons.
It is therefore recommended not to abuse alcohol and not smoking. These habits also strike when having good sex at 50 .

• Be constantly learning is one of the best exercises.
Whether studying new languages and practicing new sports are good for memory exercises and body.

• A key factor when it comes to memory is the dream, it is recommended to respect the sleep cycles.
This is why it is recommended to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep and you wake up as a new man/woman.

• As we have said, exercise is important as it helps to oxygenate your brain. It is advisable to practice frequently and possibly outdoors that are best.

• The way in which one feeds also affects our mental state and our memory.
Diets containing nuts, fish and vegetables are selected to improve our memory.

Explosion of endorphins to strong memory:
Why are there people who are thrown by parachute from a bridge or have to perform high risk activities?

This question is answered easily: by endorphins.These sports produce great emotional stress and very high voltage level, sometimes confused with symptoms of a panic attack .

During the development of the activity the body produces endorphins to try to return to "normal" state.
This explosion endorphin that generates a temporary ecstatic state is trying to rebuild the physical and emotional state.

According to different psychiatrists in the world, the feeling is like a drug, but without side effects because endorphins are natural opiates.

That's why in some sense one can reach back "addicted" to that behavior.
Just not everyone dare to achieve this state of being.
The personalities that go together with these experiences are usually impulsive.
Today we are studying the possibility of these activities are given due to the decrease of enzymes that are responsible for making one more sensitive in regard to risk sports and activities.

It should be noted that this burst of endorphins can be dangerous for people with heart disease. That is why before any high risk activity is recommended to visit the doctor.


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