Fruits Properties
In this article we are going to explain the natural fruits properties, the vitamins and minerals contained in them and go inside in this amazing theme with more knowledge and can apply it in all our health requirements.
Vitamins in fruits
Vitamin A. Axeroftol.
It is located in the yellow fruits, oilseeds and dry, as well as lemons, oranges and apricots.
Promotes the growth, strengthens tissues and generates resistance against infections, is necessary for the eyes, skin and strengthens the hair, prevents colds and infections of mucosa. Helps in a good night's sleep and normal tension.
Vitamin B1 thiamine.
Prevents fatigue, is antineuriticand, is involved in growth,helps the digestion. It is abundant in the orange.Stimulates the glandular secretions.
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin.
It gives brightness to the eyes and a good color to the skin. It is found in almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts.
Adenine. Favors the growth
Factor is anti paralytic
Pyridoxine. Has a regulating action of the metabolism of the tissues of the liver, nervous system and skin.
Is an enteric factor.
Vit.B12 .
Cyanocobalamin. Is antianemi, promotes the red blood cells and cell nuclei.
Vit. P.
Vitamin of capillary permeability.
Niacin or nicotinic acid. Promotes the health of the nerves and good digestion, is necessary to maintain healthy skin. Aid in the hemorrhages and other blood problems. Is located in the lemon, aid to the growth and maintenance of metabolism.
Supports the immune system, the development of the bones and teeth, stimulates growth, low blood pressure, decreases the blood glucose levels. Necessary for the absorption of iron, prevents bleeding gums, is disinfectant.
Promotes the growth.
Vit. E.
Important in the reproduction and in the nerve and muscle functions, protects the cells, is an antioxidant and preserved tissues.
Vit. K.
Is anti hemorrhagic, is located in the orange.
Minerals in fruits.
Helps burning of sugar, form bones, detoxifies, makes the hair grow and toning. It is found in cherries, apricots, oranges, peaches, pears, hazelnuts and almonds.
Is located in the apple, grapes and figs.
Helps coagulation of the blood, is located in the grape,strawberry,walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds.
To aid the digestion, it favors the growth. It is located in the dates,walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds.
Essential in the formation of bones, anti-inflammatory, useful against arthritis. Is located in the grape, pear, orange, almonds and hazelnuts.
Prevents the contagious diseases and protects the skeletal system and the teeth, located in apples and grapes.
It is nutrient of the brain, is nervous supportive and of the bones too.located in apples prunes, walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds.
Located in plum, cherry, apricot, peach, apple, pear, orange, strawberry,walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds.
Necessary for the digestion, enables the transmission of nervous stimulation to muscles. It is present in the coconut, cherries, oranges, peaches, pears, walnuts and almonds.
Manganese .
Contributes to the smooth functioning of the brain and nervous system, is involved in the metabolism of fats. located in cherries, apples, grapes, oranges.
Located in pears, plums, apricots, grapes and cherries.
Purifier digestive juice and intestines. Is found in almonds,hzelnuts, etc. It is nutrient of the muscles and brain cells, toning the body and immunizes against diseases.
Protects the cells, delays the aging process and prevents cancer.
It is a great antiseptic organic. It is found in almonds, coconut, peach,and cherry.
Alkalizing and helps the healing of diseases. Influences on the secession of the glands and the elimination of toxins.
Helps to regulate the growth and volume of the body for the operation ofthe thyroid, Located in melon, grapes, strawberries, pears.
Combat stress and is beneficial for the growth and the skin.Located in peaches, oranges.
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