
Unknown Ancient Remedies For Cancer-2


Ancient Remedies To Fighting Cancer Naturally

Being a tropical plant, its cultivation is difficult in areas where frost occurs. Although it can withstand even the -2 º C, if there in addition to the cold, there is moisture, it is probably that the plant die

It should be planted in areas sheltered from the cold wind. Can be housed in the greenhouse during periods when frost may occur.

The method that has this plant to breed is highly curious. Although also flourishes ( I never could observe seeds after flowering ), the method used for breeding is planting the sons that sprouting on the edges of the leaves.

Indeed,in the small incisions formed by the serrated edge of the blade appearing a tiny red spots, which are gradually becoming in two tiny leaves and little threads that are just future roots.

This small sprout goes growing until form a small plant with leaves and roots. I have come to observe sometimes more than 40 sons on a single sheet ! Reproductive facility of this species is impressive.

This process occurs when the leaf "realizes" that will die. Thus,its survival instinct drives it to generate offspring. When conditions in where is located a hojaransín are bad (very cold, little water, etc..), leaf  turns red and tends to reproduce.

It is common practice cut a sheet and leave on earth, peat or a damp cloth (not too wet), as it suits us, in an area with indirect light (semidarkness). In that state, not slow to appear small sprouts.

If we keep damp cloth (or land), without wetting the sheet, the seedlings will grow while the mother leaf will wither.

When consider that the roots of the small sapling are enough to feed through them, we can proceed to separate, cut around it a piece of the mother sheet that still gives sustenance, and planting it in a pot or directly in the floor.

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