
Air As Medicament-1


Air Our First Medicine

Hippocrates said : "Pure air is the first food and the first drug." Indeed, the air quality is something extremely important to enjoy a healthy and properly oxygenated body.

If we do not live in the country, the city charge of dirt our body with contamination. Then we should do everything possible to often go to the mountain, forest, or any natural area that is close to our home, to renew the air in our lungs. The outdoor activities are downright vitalizing.

In relation to the above exposed about intestinal fever and cold skin, the air can play an important role in this. One reason why the skin is weakened, is due the coat excess especially in cold areas.

Air and health
The skin is the organ that is directly in contact with the external environment. If this is weak, we will be very vulnerable to weather conditions. Instead, if we strengthen it, will be a good protection against harsh weather.

In a more or less cold zone, we need warmer clothes to keep warm. But if we shelter more than necessary, we will remove work to the skin, which will not be forced to adapt to the environment, resulting in the consequent atrophy.

If instead we go absolutely unsheltered on very cold days, the cold can penetrate into the body, producing the consequent cold, pneumonia, or any kind of infection, as the body does not have enough defenses to protect against shock. So what shall we do?

The healthiest thing in these cases is to dress with minimal clothing as possible, just to keep warm. No matter if we notice that the cold on the skin, the important thing is to not notice deeper. That is, if the cold gets into the skin and does not penetrate into the body, we are exercising the body healthy.

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