Changing Diet And Lowering Cholesterol Levels


Lower Cholesterol Levels

When the skin is exposed to sunlight, the cholesterol is destroyed so rapidly and to such an extent that the whole body cholesterol is destroyed. A study was conducted in 30 patients with hardening of the arteries.

They took the cholesterol level in the blood before the sunbathing .The results showed that almost 13% cholesterol decreased in the blood after treatment.

How to lower cholesterol
You wonder then if  I take a sun bath to lower my cholesterol, what  do I do about the possibility of getting skin cancer with all sunbathing ? according to Dr. Kime in his book, "Sun light Could Save Your Life", if you get a moderate amount of sun and not eat meat, animal products and refined oils, your chances of getting cancer skin are very rare.

There is a little doubt in the research literature about whether a high-fat diet affects or not in the largest and earliest  skin cancer development by UV effects.

For years we have accepted cholesterol levels of 250-300 mg / % as "normal " in our society, because the 90 % of all Americans are among this range. While these levels may be common for Americans; where one of every two people die from arteriosclerosis, are not ideal.

Cholesterol level is 100 plus your age, without exceeding 160mg. Antonio M. Gotto Dr. D. president of the American Heart Association told in a Senate hearing , that if we lower the cholesterol count of all people in the United States at levels below 150mg %,  possibly would eliminate heart disease.

There are several drugs to lower cholesterol. Large and expensive researchs on these drugs report success in reducing cholesterol at levels ranging from 5-10%. Unfortunately none of these drugs increases the longevity expectations,on the contrary proved more harm than good.

 Produce unpleasant and sad effects and high mortality rate .When we more learn about cholesterol, more we realize that following a natural diet, which gave us our Earth Mother, more healthy we will be.


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