Vaccines And Immune System
One of the areas in which we are more uninformed is in the vaccines field. Besides being a highly unnatural practice this medical method clearly violates the Hippocratic principle of " primum non nocere " ( first do not harm ).

However, vaccines are not nearly as effective or not as harmless as would have us believe.
Without going any further, we all know the ineffectiveness of flu vaccine that year after year is inoculated million citizens.The misinformation comes even inlegal levels in many countries, where there is no obligation to vaccinate children contrary to what is believed. Systematic mass vaccinations are ineffective and in some cases highly detrimental.
Boost immune system
There are natural alternatives to these practices. First, the most important thing is to boost the immune system through a healthy and natural life as possible. Secondly, there are the so-called homeopathic nosodes, which do not entail any danger.
The real trigger for a disease is not the microorganism that enters in the body, but rather previous preconditions that a microorganism find to develop. When many people are exposed to a microbe, not all develop the corresponding disease, but only those whose organisms suffer from a lack of prior health.
None organism can grow if do not find the appropriate field. Even the same Louis Pasteur said: "The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything ."
Not all vaccines are negative. What is negative are widespread indiscriminate immunizations, without reason. Only should usevaccines against a particular danger that threatens a community. Anyway, the best defense, as always, is a good immune system. In addition, vaccines represent an additional source of poisoning to the body, making them a contrast agent to Nature.
I do not want to dwell much on this point, as there are currently many organizations responsible for giving complete information about vaccines, considered by many ( scientists and non- scientists) as " medical error of the twentieth century".
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