The Hidden Business Of Food-1


Business Of Food

Many of us believe that all information that give us the media is true, and let ourselves be influenced by the need of consumption imposed,but when this is applied to food is quite dangerous, especially when they do not tell us the truth , because it will damage our health, and when this happens, we will move  to another business which is the medication.

Business around food
But I want to focus on just as the influence of the media , things that in the short, medium or long term will damage our health, as when they say on TV that drinking 3 glasses of milk a day, our bones will grow healthy and strong, something totally out of reality because cow's milk in all its forms is unhealthy , is associated with cancer, heart disease , allergies , and bronchial problems , poor digestion , plus the calcium that has is almost minimal , and for seniors almost can not assimilate.

What I'm telling you , suddenly sounds crazy because they have repeated ad nauseum that milk is good for us, but dear friend , I invite you to investigate, there are texts as "Fit for Life" by  expert nutritionists Harvey and Marilyn Diamon ,"The Antidiet" , and others in which a scientific way, demonstrate the accuracy of what I'm saying.

For example did you know that milk contains a substance called casein, that in cow's milk is 300 times greater that of a human being , this is why cow's milk is palatable to its offspring , having four stomachs , but for us this milk is heavy , in addition until 3 years are present in our body 2 enzymes to digest and break down the milk, and lactase enzyme called renin , after that age , they disappear from our body , therefore if we take 10 liters, our body will not assimilate in a proper way.

Wanting to make from  man a perennial cow's milk consumer, which is not seen either in the animal kingdom,actually responds to a large  trade-business, where the cows are injected with chemicals to have more milk, antibiotic for parasites and other substances that make milk from the cow, in addition to the above, contaminating your body, where the only winners are the companies that have the market,the food business at the expense of our health.


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