Recommended In Fitness Hydration


Fitness Hydration

 If anything is clear enough in fitness is that all people are different , leading to gradually should know how our body reacts during the training process.

Hydration in  fitness is critical when exercising, and doing it incorrectly reduce our performance drastically in physical activity that we are doing , in the same way diminishing its effectiveness to achieve the purpose for which we are doing.

Importance of water during exercise
Physical culture experts recommend starting any exercise routine previously hydrated , drinking for this 1 or 2 glasses of water 45 minutes before starting.

During the time of exercise should take small sips of liquid, approximately 100-150 ml every 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to take 1 liter of fluid for every 60 minutes of exercise being performed, although it should be noted that this value is only an estimate ,since it can be a little more or a little less depending on the environment and the type of exercise is being performed.

Exercise and hydration
Hydration is even more important when anaerobic and cardiovascular exercises are performed ,as it  for the type of effort that is put on the body during the process, the fluid loss is significantly highe , so the possibility of dehydration during process increases.

What should I drink to hydrate?
Without a doubt the best hydrating drink is water, or at least for most cases. It is true that during exercise small amounts of sodium , magnesium and potassium chloride lost through sweat, but being so small these amounts, is not justified to take isotonic drinks as wetting agent.

However for people with a high level sports and that training for periods of more than 2 hours is recommended using these electrolyte - rich drinks , since in these cases the loss of salts are often much higher. Important to mention that these drinks contain glucose, which facilitates rapid absorption of water and improves energy supply to the muscle.

Remember, proper hydration is essential to optimize performance in the fitness and sports.


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