Multiple Benefits With Ionic Detox Foot Bath Therapy-2


Ionic Detox Foot Bath

Contraindications to consider:

Then are detailed people who for various reasons can not perform this therapy, since it goes against their health:

* Those who have undergone heart transplants.

* People with pacemakers.

* Pregnant women.

* Those who suffer from hemophilia or epilepsy.

The potentiates detoxification functions.

People being treated with any medication, no have impediment to perform ionic footbath treatment, because therapy is a complement, a bioenergy treatment that makes a cleaning, potentiates and enhances normal body functions.

The process is done without releasing vitamins or medicines that have not been absorbed.However, there will be more to consult with your doctor before perform the detoxification.

Water, metal and salt will combine to produce a slight change of  water as well as objects in the water even without feet being submerged. the device neutralizes toxins in water in the same way that neutralizes toxins in the body. The predominant color of deionized water is determined by the
chemicals used by local water authorities and agents pollutants common to that area.

Interpretation of  colors displayed in foot bath detox water

Color or Particle                          Material or body area

Dark green                                            Detoxifying from gallbladder

Yellow Green                                       Detoxifying kidney, bladder, urinary tract areas

Orange                                                   Detox joints

Red spots                                               Material blood clot

Brown                                                     Detoxifying liver, snuff, cellular debris

Black                                                       Liver Detoxification

White foam                                           Lymphatic system

White cheese-like particles           Yeasts present in the body

Black spots                                           Heavy metals

The final color is generated not only by the individual toxins . The water used in the foot bath has its own impurities like salts added , and metal electrodes are also suffer corrosion releasing iron oxide. Moreover the skin of each person has its acidity or alkalinity, residual soap, creams, nail polish, bacteria, fungi and fibers.

In this treatment  is not important the color that takes the water at the end of the bath, but the benefits it brings to the person and improvements in  life quality. If treatment has about four sessions , the energy will increase , eventually generating a feeling of rejuvenation.


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