Dried Fruits A Healthy Diet


Dried Fruits

Dried fruits are not so bad to slimming as we thought. Recent studies show that they are not associated with weight gain, that those who consume them fattening lesser extent about who ignores them and , indirectly , may even promote weight loss.

Fruits and nuts
They have a bad reputation after all for its high fat content , however , nuts are not as bad as we thought.
Nuts and their numerous benefits for our body reducing the risk of vascular diseases, can help us lose weight. The reason is that the energy that these provide us is good.

It is monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat . This fat is more easily oxidized thereby possibly both not accumulate in the body. In particular , nuts are rich in linoleic and linolenic acid and omega3 fatty acids. All those involved in controlling fats such triglycerides and cholesterol, in addition to being ardioprotective foods.

Another advantage of this food, increases thermogenesis , ie the energy expended at rest, during digestion, so the nuts do that even when we are resting ,consume more energy. And that indirectly controls our weight.

Beware of eating too much because to produce optimal benefits of this food should not be added as an extra in the diet but as a substitute for products with poor nutritional profile.

Best dried fruit
Here you have some of them and their main characteristics :

Pine nut : They are the most caloric and more expensive . Have a delicate conservation.

Almond : Rich in minerals. Ideal for desserts .

Sunflower seeds : At home sold with salt added , which may negatively affect cholesterol.

Hazel : Rich in monounsaturated fats. It is good for cholesterol. Rich in folic acid, has many benefits for women.

Cashews : Its seeds are eaten roasted , which can tshoot the calories. They are rich in magnesium.

Nuts: Noted for its richness in polyunsaturated fats and omega3 fatty acid. Great cardiovascular benefits attributed to them.

Pistachios : Ideal for regulating bowel movements. They have application in cosmetics.

Chestnut : Because of its characteristics , is more like cereals , as it is rich in carbohydrate. Being rich in water, in proportion provides fewer calories than other nuts.

Do not forget that all these tips together with a healthy lifestyle will help you to achieve your ideal weight.


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