40 Natural Fat Burning Foods


Healthy Fat Burning Foods

We present 40 natural fat burning foods including fruits, vegetables, protein and grains to help you have less fat in your body.Always remember eat foods that help achieve your goals, foods that help burn fat and provide us fiber.

This is why we decided to put together four "top 10" lists separate of healthy foods that burn fat and aid muscle construction at the same time.

Here my goal is to get a variety of different fruits and vegetables as possible during the week and there are lots of substitutions, so you are viewing the complete list of everything included in my daily menu and what is in use the most of the time .

I also note that it is not necessary lower the carbohydrates  to extremes because these are needed. Research has shown that it is effective to perform a low moderate carbs and increase the protein, this is fat loss without affecting our muscles, remember we do not want to see us flabby and unhealthy.

Great benefits entails a less drastic change and controlled metabolism as we will see in the decreased appetite and  automatic  calories control.

Our approach :
How can we build an eating program that we can enjoy at the same time and see the results seeing me more slim and healthy?

How can we build a program that helps us control calories?

How can we build an eating program that improves metabolism and fulfilling our goal?

Answer: eat a variety of foods with high nutrient density , if you have some food with low calorie density to enjoy you can also include it in this list that claims to help burn fat without affecting our muscles.

List of fat burning foods
The following lists the foods taking as the top of the list,for me should never fail; must be present in our daily menu .

My top 10 natural starchy carb and whole grains.
1 - Oat flakes
2 - Yams
3 - Brown Rice
4 - Multigrain grain (barley, oats, rye )
5 - White potatoes
6 - 100 % wholemeal bread
7 - Beans
8 - Cream of rice hot cereal
9 - Whole wheat pasta
10 - Yam .

My top 10 best vegetables
1 - Broccoli
2 - Asparagus
3 - Spinach
4 - Vegetable Salad
5 - Tomatoes
6 - Green Peppers
7 - Onions
8- Fungis
9-  Cucumbers
10- zucchini

My Top 10 Lean proteins
1 - Egg whites ( whole eggs in limited quantities as appropriate)
2 - Whey or Casein protein ( protein powder supplements )
3 - Chicken
4 - Turkey Breast
5 - steak ( grass fed animals seeks not buy packaged meat in supermarkets)
6 - Churrasco ( beef grass-fed )
7 - Ground Meat
8 - Fish
9 - Trout

My top 10 fruits
1 - Apples
2 - kiwi
3 - blueberries
4 - raspberries
5 - Oranges
6 - bananas
7 - peaches
8 - Grapes
9- strawberries
10, pineapple.

Tip:  if you want to include healthy fats as well as walnuts, almonds extra virgin olive oil , flaxseed oil, avocado and some others, you can do it.
Besides dairy consumption in small portions. When I eat dairy products usually take skim milk, low fat cheese and low-fat yogurt.

Last but not least important we must avoid all junk foods juice bottle, are too full of sugar and coloring also prevents soft drinks 100%.

Note that this is a particular list of my food but you can choose foods that you like that are within these same ranges, this in order that you can keep your long-term nutrition and see the objectives, for this reason you are free of  making the changes you like within the appropriate range.


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